Rolex Appraisals
Rolex watches are valuable assets and just like other valuables it is important to have them properly insured. An up to date insurance appraisal will insure that you have you can replace your watch in case of lost, theft, or damage. When we sell a Pre-owned Rolex Watch we offer an appraisal through our independent appraisal service at our cost. If you have purchased a watch somewhere else or received an heirloom watch we can help make sure it is properly insured. Rolex appraisals can be done by appointment and in some cases does not require you to leave your watch.
Rolex watch Co. has had at least one if not two price increases on the MSRP of Rolex watches every year. This along with recent extreme changes in the high end watch industry would make a watch purchased or appraised even TWO years ago irreplaceable at the same purchase price or value at that time. It is vital to keep your Rolex or any high end watch properly insured to protect your investment in case you should incur damage or a loss of the watch. There are many reasons why you should get an updated Appraisal TODAY!